Saturday, February 1, 2014

Stuffed Green Bell Pepper (SIOMAI Style)

yummy appetizer..

Mga Sangkap servings..4 to 5 

5 pieces green bell pepper or add more
200 grams ground pork or chicken
1/4 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup shredded onion
1 whole egg/optional
1 tbsp cornstarch or flour
black pepper and salt to taste
1 tsp ginger paste or juice
2 tsp oyster sauce
1 tsp mirin /optional
1 tsp sugar
a drop of sesame oil
1 shiitake /minced..mushroom/optional
a little chopped green onion
a little soy sauce..

COMBINE ALL THE INGREDIENTS except the bell pepper..

For Quick View of Video Cooking.

To continue cooking..


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